Introducing “Cooking Through Generations”

Introducing “Cooking Through Generations”

Hey Friends!

I am glad you found your way here and hope you find your way back. I have enjoyed cooking all my life and since it was a strong passion of my mom’s, I learned lots from little on up. Growing up a Mennonite where food is an important part of the culture, there was lots of opportunity to cook, bake, and serve different foods. While my mom was very good at making some of the more traditional Mennonite foods, she didn’t stop there and she cooked lots of other types of cuisine as well. I grew up with a variety of cuisine and hope to include a variety on this blog.

Fast-forward a number of years, and I married an amazing man that also enjoys food. Not just does he like to eat my cooking but, he also enjoys cooking for me. When it comes to baking, I would say he is better at it than I am and I hope to include some of his yeast baking as well as cooking on this blog.

I was thinking about what to name this blog for awhile, and I thought about how I learned a lot of my cooking techniques from my mom (she still gets numerous texts from me about how to accomplish something in the kitchen) and how I would like to someday cook with my little girl. I decided that cooking is something that is often passed from generation to generation, whether that is the love for cooking or just certain recipes and that is how the name came to be.

So visit the site often. Give it a follow if you want to be notified of new blogs, and please send me messages if you have requests or comments. I look forward to hearing from you.


Cooking Through Generations

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